Monday, October 29, 2007

Small Group Harvest Party

Last Saturday my small group had a harvest party. Pictures...

Me and Emmy

Hannah and Emily dipping their toes
Regan's Pumpkin Smile
My Pumpkin
Erika and Jacqui Han and I
Hannah and EmilyMe and Emily
Me and Regan
Regan's Pumpkin
Hannah and I
Me, Jacqui, Erika, Emily, Regan, and Hannah

Monday, October 1, 2007


Just a few insights I gained concerning being a slave of Christ.

1) Bishop Polycarp's persecutor told him that if he would revoke his faith, he would be released. His response (paraphrased) was that for 86 years he had served Christ, and Christ had done him no wrong. Why should he now deny his Master?


2) The paradoxical relationship of being free in Christ, and yet enslaved to Him. Most people are not particularly excited about becoming enslaved to anyone. The word "slave" carries with it several negative connotations, mainly because of the horrors of the past slavery in America, and not overlooking the desperate situation of present day slaves(i.e. Sudan, and human trafficking). There are two things that a slave desires, the first of which is gaining freedom. The second best thing is to have a good master. In our relationship with Christ, however, the ultimate is having a good Master who loves us perfectly and has our best in mind. Because of this, our heart's desire should be to serve Him with all of our being, to trust Him for all things, and to surrender our blood-bought lives wholly to Him.

He is a good Master, and He does all things well!