Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Glory of the Lamb

I love this song by Sovereign Grace:

A day is coming, coming soon
When we shall see your face
And how our hearts are yearning for
That outpouring of grace
When You take all the galaxies
And roll them up like a scroll
When You make heaven and earth anew
And eternity unfolds

Then the glory of the lamb will be
All the we have longed to see
And we'll praise Your splendor
Majesty and might
There will be no darkness, be no night
We won't need the sun or moon to shine
For the glory of the Lamb will be our light

Although we see but dimly now
Our hearts are filled with love
For we have tasted and have seen
How good Your are, O God
We know that our redeemer lives
And someday You'll return
And we shall see you with our eyes
O how our hearts do burn

Then the glory of the lamb will be
All the we have longed to see
And we'll praise Your splendor
Majesty and might
There will be no darkness, be no night
We won't need the sun or moon to shine
For the glory of the Lamb will be our light

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